
Oh Look, It's Geeked

I randomly tweeted my blog needs a banner, because it did (you're tweeting, right? My mission to get everyone I know tweeting needs to be accomplished).

And so neat, Kirk randomly made me an awesome one with possibly the closest-to-me-picture I think I've seen drawn by Not-Rin and super letters. And now I'm going fidget with my layout to make it match the awesome after my lasagna is done.

A big thank you again for taking the time, you're stellar. (If I read more Spider-Man, there'd totally be more Parkerism for you here, but I don't, so I'll let my commenters and your imagination fill in the gap in a "What Would Parker Say")

There were cooler, adult Spider-Man 'Thank You' pictures out there,
but they all had flying crotches front and center.
Pretty sure that's not a nice show of appreciation.
Also: He's adorable, so would've won anyway.

Also note: I never thought I'd need to use 'blog chic' as a tag again. I LOVE it.

Edit: It's such a compulsion to have a pretty blog. It's like doing my hair before I--wait, no, I don't do that. Fine. It's like putting on a bra before I leave the house. The ladies understand.

. . . ladies.


Kirk Warren said...

Ahah, glad you like the banner. I went with the pink and purple based on the updated colour avatar you added to the left of the page and on Twitter.

I'm no expert with photoshop, but I could add rounded corners or some kind of border or subtext (like how the text banner used to have something like "A collection of random topics" or something) to the banner if you wanted.

Anyways, glad you liked the banner. Let me know if you ever need anything else like this.

Kirk Warren said...

Oh ya, if you were looking for the font I used on the banner, it's called Sanitarium and you can get it for free here. Just added a stroke to it and some bevel and voila.

Oracle_Batgirl said...

That is fantastic! Your banner now makes all others weep and hide in the corner.

I could use a fireman visit, d'ye think if I got one of the girls stuck in the flu of our woodstove they'd come?

them: "Um...how'd she get ALL the way up there, and stuck?"

Me: "It wasn't easy, believe me!"


Anonymous said...

My jealousy at all of your upgrades(banner, userpic) and soon to be upgrades (layout) has led me to try and upgrade my own blog, we'll see how that goes.

Elwood said...


Evie said...


Thomas Fummo said...

coolness squared